Category Archives: News


Recall notices served over backlash to growth, school overcrowding in Dublin

DUBLIN — A rebellion against this city’s rapid growth heated up Tuesday when residents took the first steps toward recalling a school board member and city councilman.

Adding to the whirlwind of Dublin political conflicts, some 650 school teachers, parents and students marched by candlelight to the school board meeting to protest the lack of progress in teachers’ pay negotiations. Teachers and the school district haven’t agreed yet on a pay increase to cover the last school year.

During the packed school board meeting, a group of residents served school Trustee Dan Cunningham with a notice of intent to begin a recall petition against him. Critics contend Cunningham, a board member for nine years, has failed to take actions to prevent school overcrowding, build a second high school, and “stop the massive influx of new homes in both the east and west of Dublin.”

About an hour later, disgruntled residents migrated to a City Council meeting to present a notice of recall to Councilman Abe Gupta. His critics say Gupta failed to live up to his 2014 campaign promises when he voted to approve several developments that included houses.

“Councilman Gupta has failed to uphold the campaign promises that got him elected,” said the notice signed by five local residents.

Neither Cunningham nor Gupta made an immediate response to the recall notices.

Bobby Khullar, a Dublin resident, presented the recall notice to Cunningham. He also has been involved in planning the recall against Gupta and setting up a political action committee to fund it.

He and many residents say they are upset with the Dublin leaders’ failure to deal with the rapid residential growth that has led to school overcrowding, traffic problems and loss of open space.

Khuller said organizers need to gather signatures of about 5,800 registered voters to qualify recall measures against the two officials for the ballots of either June or November, 2018. To provide a cushion to meet the requirements, organizers hope to gather some 8,000 signatures by using a mix of volunteer and paid petition gatherers, he said.



Source:By  , December 6, 2017

School board member facing threat of recall in Dublin

DUBLIN — A community group is gearing up to get a school board member recalled after an outburst at a meeting, and a confrontation with a councilman.

The group of Dublin residents will try to recall current school board member Dan Cunningham. They formed a political action committee, or PAC, with an undisclosed name and plan to file their papers next week with the Alameda County Registrar of Voters.

In October, an already contentious and packed school board meeting got tense when Cunningham agreed to “take it outside” with parent Mark Schroeder. The two exchanged words but never physically fought after Schroeder made comments toward Cunningham.

Schroeder said he saw Cunningham turn to fellow board member Amy Miller and tell her “this is bulls***” after a student speaker talked about the lack of a teachers contract.

That was the “straw on the camel’s back,” said recall organizer Bobby Khullar. “He has a specific attitude, he’s aggressive. He was out of line … but it’s been consistent.”

Then another scuffle occurred at this Tuesday’s Dublin City Council meeting between Cunningham and Councilman Arun Goel.

Again, although no punches were thrown, there was a tap or shove depending on the point of view, from Goel to Cunningham. Witnessed by a Bay Area News Group reporter covering the meeting, Cunningham was just inches away from Goel’s face, speaking loudly to him when it got physical. The two had to be separated by a police officer there to provide security at the council meeting.

Cunningham had confronted Goel about his reference that he was a bully during the meeting. Both men said afterward they had no intention to fight, and called the confrontation “not a big deal.”



Source: ( ,November 24, 2017)